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Hectic and secluded life in Singapore

Hectic and secluded life in Singapore It hard to imagine how could a place be both hectic and secluded, well, Singapore is. It is hectic because it is a modern city which contains heavy traffics and great load of commercial activities. It is secluded because no matter where you go you would be embraced by lush greeneries. You might order some street food at the busy local foodcourt but you can sit quietly by yourself under the foodcourt canopy.   Merlion Sculpture I know that the Merlion sculpture is unique to Singapore. But it is the Taxi driver who told me the story behind the Merlion sculpture. The 14th Century prince of the Sumatra encountered a lion when he landed Singapore, from then on the city was named after Singa (Lion) and Pura (City). Fish stands for the origin of Singapore - a fishing village.  The Newtown in Singapore - Haji Lane Haji Lane is a short 5 minutes walk little lane, it reminds me of the Newtown in Sydney or the Snail Street in Taiwan. They are both composed o